The beginning

I have decided that it is time for me to curse the rest of the world with the happenings of my life. If I continue to keep my life experiences bottled up - I just might explode.
Here's a little about me...
I am a single mother to three little boys. Nickolas (8), Jonah (4) and Jerred (16 months). I work full-time outside the home and attempt to parent in the evenings and weekends. I find myself to be a real matter-of-fact sort of parent. I believe that you should play mind games with your kids but don't be real extreme. I mean if you push them over the edge - you want to make sure it's not until they are old enough to foot their own therapy bills.
My kids are actually quite interesting and different. I might even go so far as to call them "odd". I compare them to other kids their age (any parent who says they don't are lying) and I just don't find them to be on quite the same page of the book.
Nickolas just recently turned 8 years old. He is what we like to call "The Professor". He is very literal about EVERYTHING and has this dry sense of humor that I don't think even he gets. He will say something completely off the wall and when I laugh, he will just glance at me like I have been drinking with breakfast again. He is very into Yu-gi-oh and some other boy things that scream "I'm a geek" but alas, I love him, and I support his hobbies.
Jonah is 4 going on 25. The best way to describe Jonah is think of Jack from "Will & Grace" and Malcom X as one person. Yes that is "Just Jonah". He's game for pretty much anything, very affectionate and very set in his ways. He has no desire to play Yu-gi-oh when there is a special on TV about "Pompeii". He is obsessed with Michael Jordan and thinks the only way you can become a great basketball player is by spending a week in North Carolina. I just smile and nod. After all, I am supportive and telling your sweet 4-year-old "Umm whatever are you really that simple", cannot be considered supportive.
Jerred is about as sweet as they come. I label him "my reward for keeping Jonah alive". He's a snuggle bear and has started to talk a lot. I mean just the other day he screamed "mine" and "stop" to me when I was trying to help him. How can you NOT love that?! He is also a little chunky fellow...think a brown version of that fat kid from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" - yep that's my man. He is really a combination of his brothers. Laid-back like Nick but gets all freakish and silly like Jonah.
My hands are full, but I can never complain of being bored. I hope when I share my parenting advice, tips and stories with you - that you will walk away with something...well hopefully not a number for CPS - but something.
I now have CPS on my speed dial since you're going to put it all in black and white. LOL. I can't believe you already have a picture up!!!! You're so computer savvy. Maybe after a week or two you can hold a blogger workshop so the rest of us can learn. LOL. So excited you've decided to do this. Tres Cool.
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