Happy Birthday to me...I'm old.

Yesterday I celebrated the big THREE OOH. I was pretty depressed about it at first. I am now 30 and 1 day and I feel the same as I did at 29 and 364 days. I guess it's not so bad. I can finally use lines like "those young kids" and call music "noise". I can now also get away with saying "back in the days when I was young...". Aaahhh the joys of being old.
I decided yesterday that I needed a mommy day. I got up early, got my boys ready for daycare and dropped them. Oh and I was still in my pajamas. I told daycare that I would be unavailable from around 10am to 1pm or so and if anything major happened - well just press firmly with a cloth. They got the picture.
I went home and got ready for my day. I was getting a manicure, pedicure and one hour massage. Let me just tell you - if I didn't have any kids, I would get this done A LOT!! It was nice to be pampered for once. The closest thing I've had to a massage was my 16 month old clawing my back in the middle of the night.
After I got done with everything I went home and hung out alone. I had argued with Jonah the night before about spending "my day" alone. He insisted I take him with me. I got annoyed and said "Why can't my day be about me???" He replied, "It can be about you. Well you AND me." Grrr men!! So then I told him MAYBE I would pick him up early and take him for ice cream. I picked him up a little into nap. I waited until almost 3pm hoping he would get a decent nap in. No go. They told me he barely had fallen asleep....niiiiiiccceeeeee *rolls eyes*. He was so happy I picked him up.
We went downtown to the ice cream shoppe and got our ice cream. We were sitting at a table looking at all the black and white pictures of famous people. It was so pleasant...a little something like this.
Jonah: He's dead right?
Me: Yeah
Jonah: She's dead right?
Me: Yeah
Jonah: That is a little kid but he grew up to be old like you are and died right?
Me: Yeah - hey wait did you just say I was old.
Jonah: Yeah.
Me: Thanks a lot!
Jonah: You are welcome. So he's dead right? *pointing to a different picture*
I finish my ice cream and continue the "dead people" conversation with Jonah. He then looks at me and says loudly. I must first say that Jonah has three volumes he speaks in "normal loud", "very loud" and "what the hell dude I'm sitting right beside you". This was "very loud".
Jonah: Hey mommy
Me: What sweetie, oh and you don't have to talk so loud.
Jonah Umm okay (still loud) did you know that farting is very natural and you have to let it out so you don't get sick?! It's not gross it's natural and you need to let your body do it.
Me: No you don't. You hold it until you can go somewhere alone.
Jonah: People do that?
Me: People with manners.
Jonah: Well I guess we can bof sank Jesus I have no manners.
We finally left the ice cream store and went to the toy store to get him a toy...you know for "our" birthday. Overall it was a great day. But can I just say - back in the days when I was kid, you didn't talk about farting in the ice cream store!!!
I love the picture! I love Jonah! (but you already know that) I want to wish you a Happy Birthday again and let you know that, back in the day, we didn't talk about farting in the ice cream shop either. Just so you know you're not alone in this.
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