Here's my "7"
7 Things to do Before I Die:~
* Witness a live birth (I saw mine in a mirror LOL)
* Get my degree
* Buy a house
* Witness at least one boy graduate from college and get a job
* Take my boys to Africa and the south to learn get a real culture lesson
* Live out my dream (it's a secret shhhh)
* Find true peace and at least one daughter-in-law I like
7 Things I Can Do:~
*I can read a Stephen King novel in one day (speed reader here too)
* Play piano
* Understand science
* Figure out everyone elses life problems
* Stand up for myself and my kids regardless
* Inform stupid people they are stupid. Everyone else seems okay with just letting them be. No thanks.
* Admit when I messed up and even apologize. (but I never mess up)
7 Things I Can't Do:~
* Drive a tractor (always wanted to)
* Understand people who would rather watch tv than be outside
* Compromise my values for the "good" of the situation
* Stay skinny
* Give my kids false self-esteem
* Not pull my weight to prove a point. Even if everyone else is fucking up I have to pull my weight. Damn morals.
* Doubt God. Never ever ever is there ever anything that will make me doubt the Lord.
7 Things I say Most Often:~
*Oh good grief!! Enough Already!!
* I am going to count to three and if I have to even say one it's your butt.
* Gee ya think (to an idiot who realizes the obvious)
* I understand that upsets you but I don't care.
* Suck it up.
* Dr. Phil ain't got shit on me.
* Holy crap what an idiot. He must be from Missouri.
7 Celebrity Crushes:
*Stephen Baldwin (we have a long standing mental romance and I can't let it go)
* Almost all of the men from "Lost" (hey if Hope can have the "Desperate Housewives" clan I get this!!)
* 50 Cent
* Harry Connick Jr. (well all men with southern accents mmmmmmm)
* Shaq (Jonah actually thinks that is his dad..bad mommy LOL)
* Stone Phillips
* Benjamin Bratt (or is it Brat..hmm maybe I don't need another Brat in my house)
7 People I'd like to do This List:
Everyone who knows me!! Even the stupid people LOL
I Need To Complain Louder

I figured out all my problems on my drive to work today. My problem is that I just don't complain loud enough. It seems all the people who whine and complain and write into news/tv stations with their pity parties - score cool stuff.
Ty needs to come build me a cool house. It doesn't even have to be big. I just need a secret room where I can hide from the boys.
I think you run into a few people who truly have a tragic story and it's great that someone can help them out. But I have noticed lately, especially on message boards, that people are complaining about the basics of everyday life. They just add more steps or details to their everyday problem and suddenly they have a rash of support. You have an idiot couple who gets pregnant and has a kid. Everyone shakes their head. They can barely afford that kid and whine about being poor. THEN they turn around and get pregnant again. Everyone one again shakes their head and calls them all sorts of stupid. They give birth to a child with some problems and suddenly everyone is their best friend and they get cash, clothes, food etc. I don't get this. How does it make them less stupid??
I have three boys and basically I am limited to a job that can only be worked Monday thru Friday and must only be worked between the hours of 8:00am-5:00pm. There are tons of jobs out there that pay a lot more that I will never be able to apply for but I just feel that comes with the territory. I would never dream of going online (or in my real life) and making myself a victim because of the CHOICES I made in my life.
So back to my original topic. I need to complain more. I just sat back and looked at the big picture. I told my 4-year-old it was bedtime last night. We had already read a couple books and he asked me to tell him a story about my childhood. This must be a scene in "Home on the Range" because he has been watching that like it's crack. I told him I would love to tell him some stories tomorrow (now today) but right now it was bedtime and he already had his stories. Then he starts to complain - "But I don't know anysang about you. You NEBER tell me any stories about you. Why don't you want me to know." 20 minutes later he knows about my life stopping short of when I probably should have needed therapy.
But you know what the funny thing is?? I don't have enough energy to complain. It seems so exhausting to me. But then again I could always relax my exhausted body in my new 5,000 square foot house and if I got tired of that I could take a drive around the block in my brand new loaded Ford vehicle. Yeeahhhhh....Hey me babe!
The beginning

I have decided that it is time for me to curse the rest of the world with the happenings of my life. If I continue to keep my life experiences bottled up - I just might explode.
Here's a little about me...
I am a single mother to three little boys. Nickolas (8), Jonah (4) and Jerred (16 months). I work full-time outside the home and attempt to parent in the evenings and weekends. I find myself to be a real matter-of-fact sort of parent. I believe that you should play mind games with your kids but don't be real extreme. I mean if you push them over the edge - you want to make sure it's not until they are old enough to foot their own therapy bills.
My kids are actually quite interesting and different. I might even go so far as to call them "odd". I compare them to other kids their age (any parent who says they don't are lying) and I just don't find them to be on quite the same page of the book.
Nickolas just recently turned 8 years old. He is what we like to call "The Professor". He is very literal about EVERYTHING and has this dry sense of humor that I don't think even he gets. He will say something completely off the wall and when I laugh, he will just glance at me like I have been drinking with breakfast again. He is very into Yu-gi-oh and some other boy things that scream "I'm a geek" but alas, I love him, and I support his hobbies.
Jonah is 4 going on 25. The best way to describe Jonah is think of Jack from "Will & Grace" and Malcom X as one person. Yes that is "Just Jonah". He's game for pretty much anything, very affectionate and very set in his ways. He has no desire to play Yu-gi-oh when there is a special on TV about "Pompeii". He is obsessed with Michael Jordan and thinks the only way you can become a great basketball player is by spending a week in North Carolina. I just smile and nod. After all, I am supportive and telling your sweet 4-year-old "Umm whatever are you really that simple", cannot be considered supportive.
Jerred is about as sweet as they come. I label him "my reward for keeping Jonah alive". He's a snuggle bear and has started to talk a lot. I mean just the other day he screamed "mine" and "stop" to me when I was trying to help him. How can you NOT love that?! He is also a little chunky fellow...think a brown version of that fat kid from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" - yep that's my man. He is really a combination of his brothers. Laid-back like Nick but gets all freakish and silly like Jonah.
My hands are full, but I can never complain of being bored. I hope when I share my parenting advice, tips and stories with you - that you will walk away with something...well hopefully not a number for CPS - but something.